breathe with the messengers of your heart

Begins December 1, 2023
Classes held virtually on Zoom and will be recorded

Angelic Breath Healing
December Sessions Schedule

All classes and course content are posted in a private web portal for those unable to attend live,
and for those wishing to return to the classes again and again.

Friday, December 1st;
10:00am - 11:15pm PST / 1:00pm - 2:20pm EST
Angelic Breath Healing with your Soul
Spiritual Curriculum; Gifts & Acts of Service; Learning Opportunities

Friday, December 8th;
10:00am - 11:15pm PST / 1:00pm - 2:20pm EST
Angelic Breath Healing with the Honeybee
Generosity of Spirit and the Hive’s Healing Hum

Friday, December 15th;
10:00am - 11:15pm PST / 1:00pm - 2:20pm EST
Angelic Breath Healing with the Angelic Realm
The Art of Asking; Listening to the Messengers of your Heart

Friday, December 22nd; Winter Solstice
10:00am - 11:15pm PST / 1:00pm - 2:20pm EST
Angelic Breath Healing with Christ Consciousness
Miraculous Grace; Dawning Light in the Darkest Night

Are you yearning for a gentle, dedicated space to slooowww down, momentarily turn down the noise of the outside world,
and breathe, listening for the wisdom held within?

Angelic Breath Healing December Sessions are designed to serve like a cozy hearth to meet yourself as you are.
A space to seek wise shelter - to intentionally pause and turn your gaze from the outside in.
What’s present within you? What resources might be needed here?
How are you called to serve in the midst of these tender and turbulent times?

In the final exhale of this year, you are invited to gift yourself
a sacred space to turn within - to feel, heal, and listen.

Financial Exchange:
$133 or 2 payments $67


  • Yes. All the classes are recorded and posted in a private web portal for you to take in your own time. The web portal will remain accessible long after the course closes (at least 1 year) - so you’re also welcome to revisit the classes & content again and again.

  • No. I will explain the breath technique in each class and give various breath options depending on your needs and preferences.

  • It’s not a requirement to engage in the active breath to participate in this series. I will offer various breath and meditation options depending on your needs and preferences.

  • For at least a year following the live classes. If you’re called to return to the classes or take them at a later date, the recordings will remain available for you long past the live class recordings.

  • Please send an email to and I'll get back to you within 72 hours.

In times such as these, may we tend and befriend our bodies and participate with
sincerity and fierce care.

May we honor our limits and remember to pause as needed.

May we receive the warmth of our breath
and the wise sound of solitude as a trustworthy guide towards a new yet ancient,
nourishing and needed horizon.